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Is buying a Property in India on your mind, a deal is ready for you

Is buying a Property in India on your mind, a deal is ready for you.

If it is so, we are all help to you. From identification of the property that meets your needs in the tricity of Chandigarh, Mohali and Panchkula, our srvices are at your disposal. A simple email desribing the kind of property you are instreseted in buying and your budget would help us in meeting your requirement.

Once you are on our mailing list we shal regularly be sending you feed back as well as the properties tht would be on our list to help you choose from it. You may select from the category of the property viz. residential, commercial ,industrial and agricultural in and around Chandigarh, Mohali,Panchkula.

Besides sale/purchanse of property, we provide other services that are mentioned below:

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Ambakripa Properties: Property advisory services in Chandigarh Mohali Panchkula

Ambakripa Properties offers assistance and property advisory service to all our esteemed clients settled overseas for sale purchase Rent of residential, commercial, industrial properties situated at Chandigarh, Mohali and Panchkula on lump sum Service charges.

You can get services like rate comparison, market updates, and availability of property per location, information on upcoming residential and commercial projects and real estate research and analysis. Provision of such services is done in most customized and transparent manners. Our motto is maximum gain for our client with zero inconvenience. Our services are tailor made keeping individual choices and preferences for clients’ maximum satisfaction.


All charges are in Indian Currency (and be converted in your country’s currency at the prevalent rates at the time of order.)

1. Residential Rs. 10,000/-

2. Commercial Rs. 25,000/-

3. Industrial Rs. 30,000/-

4. Land Rs. 40,000/-

The services offered include:


Ambakripa Properties would provide an authentic survey report of the available properties and would suggest such properties that match the requirement/demand of the client. Source of the deal from actual seller/purchaser/dealer shall be made known to the prospective client.

Property Rates:
Actual and authentic property rates with detailed information on the payment plans, terms and conditions.

Project Verification:
Various on going and upcoming projects in and around the tricity offer a wide range of options to the buyers/investors. Overseas buyers/investors do require report on their legal status and authenticity report. Ambakripa properties shall submit accurate report to clients and feasibility of growth in the investment prior to a decision of the client.

Transfer of Property
Ambakripa Properties shall always strive to get the transfer of property on the name of the prospective client going over the required legal procedures and meet all requirements making the transfer an easy and accessible task for the clients.

Property Verification:
Ambakripa Properties shall undertake property verification on the demand of the buyers to avoid any irregularity.

Complete and specific property details with videos are made available to the clients on demand (vedeography charges at actual)

Market Reports and Analysis:
Comprehensive, authentic, genuine and reliable research reports on market scenario and real estate analysis shall be provided to arrive at a decision. This proves to be beneficial to the clients as complete real estate information give the present market scenario and also forecast the projections and future predictions for the most lucrative investment.


Incase, you have already made a deal to buy /sell /rent a property directly and need assistance for documentation of the deal, you can depend on us for a fair documentation to complete the deal. If you are a seller, you can get the sale deed drafted along with other required documents. Full assistance is rendered for its registration with the sub registrar of the circle concerned. For registered Rent agreements also, the rent/lease document is tailor made and assistance rendered for its registration with the circle office.

Family Settlements.

Once you have arrived at an oral settlement of the property in your family, the same is put into writing according to the settlement for future reference and keep all parties to settlement safe and secure.


Assistance is provided to make will of property or other assets owned by a person in favour the person of his choice so that in the event of the untimely demise the document delivers the assets to the person deemed fit for it in the will.

Payment terms and conditions:
The payment can be made either through Bank draft/Cheque.( In case of Cheque add Rs. 350/- for collection charge)


Ambakripa Properties

Property Advisors Par Excellence

#1605, Progressive Society, Sector 50-B,

Chandigarh. Cell: 9888-255-128.

About the Author:

A Post Graduate in Economics from University of Delhi and a Social activist now. Presently as General Secretary of Chandigarh Social Welfare Council, an NGO, am working in the field of up gradation of infrastructure and regularization of the General Power of Attorney holders in cooperative housing societies at Chandigarh.At my initiative, Chandigarh Administration has done a re-look into the matter raised by me. The rules sought to be applied till now have been observed as "repealed" by the JSF, Chandigarh Administration, yet some of the junior level functionaries are passing on the matter to their seniors in a mechanical manner and hence the woes of the hapless GPAs have yet to be redressed by the Administration. I shall continue writing on the subject and every subsequent article shall endeavor to bring out the anamolied

Article Source: ArticlesBase.com - Is buying a Property in India on your mind, a deal is ready for you

Property, Purchase, Sale, Commercial, Commission, Residential, Nris, Chandigarh, Mohali, Panchkula, Indisutrial