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5 Steps to Going Independent in Personal Training (Part 1)

Step 1 - Get Started

Most new trainers tend to have the perception that you need a list of impressive credentials, certifications, and years of studying before even thinking about starting their own personal training business.  But, being a solo trainer is not like starting a high-level corporation.  The real truth is, only need about a dozen high-paying clients - that's a very clear and simple goal, and requires action, not planning.  You have a very wide audience to find these clients and, at the same time, there is only a small number of them you actually need to reach for success.  And if you nurture them and continue to have more clients flow into your pipeline periodically, you can very legitimately earn six figures without much effort - believe that!

So as a new personal trainer, forget about wasting your time in the planning phase - that you can do that later on when looking to expand your training practice, but for now, just get the darn thing started! Get focused on the goal and make the decision to take immediate action. A good first step is to get your website set up.

Step 2 - Keep Your Marketing Simple

Next, in planning your site, make sure you keep it simple.  Don't be fooled by some of the flashy sites you may see on line.  Again, back to the lesson of simplicity which I have mentioned in other articles, potential clients do not demand nor do they expect a high level of flash to the site of the trainer they're looking for.  They want the information so they can make the best informed choice, and they want a trainer that's going to benefit them.  So you need both on your site - info, benefits, and the last part is testimonials. Remember all three, and just keep a level of polish and attractiveness to the site, and that's all you need.

Step 3 - Just do it

Some new trainers I've met deserve a lot of credit - they're highly tenacious in getting their website done - If you put your mind to it, you can get one looking spectacular in very little time and technical know how.  You can get video testimonials on there, lots of key info, and a very attractive look.  The next step, if you're currently working for someone else is to dump the gym and just do it.  You'll be surprised by how quickly some determined trainers make the jump - but these are the ones that end up being successful in personal training.  When one particular friend of mine told me he officially dumped the gym and went solo, it was kind of shocking at how abruptly he did it, but once you get this idea and belief in your head, it's hard to turn back.  This person hardly had any private clients on tap, and tons of bills to cover, but he didn't wait for the right time - he just did it!

About the Author:

For more info on getting training clients, visit Super-Trainer.com and get your free 27 page report, exposing the truth behind how to become a personal trainer, earn a high income, and work fewer hours.

Article Source: ArticlesBase.com - 5 Steps to Going Independent in Personal Training (Part 1)

Certification, Fitness Business, How To Start A Training Business, Personal Training Website